Friday, February 25, 2011

The Downfall of Russian "Democracy"

Добрый вечер (Good evening) my fellow rebels,

I hope you are all surviving through these tough times. I understand that the conditions in the temporary "living" areas are atrocious and despicable, but just stick with me and we'll get through it.

I'm sick and tired of sitting by and watching this country, the country I love, be controlled by corrupt hands. I don't know about you, but I'm ready to do something about it.

When the asteroids hit, the military and government kept their word and got us all out of Moscow. But that wasn't before they conscripted all of our brothers, sons, husbands, and fathers to become impromptu soldiers, and now forced laborers. We lost our homes and the capital city of our great nation, the last thing we needed was to have our families destroyed too.

Now, we're being held prisoners in these places they call "temporary housing" but really means internment camp. The conditions are inhabitable. There are so many people crammed in these small rooms that it's inhumane and unhealthy. How are we supposed to sleep if there aren't enough beds? How are we supposed to stay strong and healthy if there's not enough food and water to nourish us all? Since when are these conditions considered satisfactory? Just because our homes have been obliterated by asteroids doesn't mean we deserve to live like lesser organisms. We're still people and we still matter!

The leaders of Russia, both military and executive, have taken it too far! Their actions and decisions reflect their lack of appreciation and concern for the well-being of the Russian people. Their choices show insensitivity and disregard to the values we hold near and dear to our hearts. The military and executive branches of the government have very clearly displayed the fact that they are incompetent of making decisions that benefit the good people of Russia and incapable of leading our glorious Russia successfully to the future!

Fellow rebels, this is our chance to take our futures into our own hands! Follow me to revolt against the corrupt government of Russia and create a new one that truly is "for the people, by the people!" It is our turn to decide how Russia should be lead!

Help save our beautiful country!