Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Здравствуйте (Hello) my fellow Russians,

For those of you who have been living under rocks (or metro tunnels), I'm here to share the latest breaking news with you.

There's a new drink special in town, and it doesn't have anything to do with vodka. I know, that's just so astonishing! The new specialty is blood, natural, not artificial! You heard right! Blood-drinking only means one thing, VAMPIRES!

Where did they come from? What do they want? Why now? Those are just some of the questions I'm sure you're all asking right now. And the answers...nobody knows. The only things we know about them are based on myths and childhood tales, so we don't know anything. Supposedly, they are faster, stronger, and better looking than the average person, and smarter due to the fact that they've been around for centuries, and when you've lived that long, it's inevitable to pick up some knowledge and wisdom. The only way, that I've heard, to defeat them is by sunlight. But we don't even know if that's true.

From my inside source, I've learned that the Russian scientists have discovered that vampires are sterile, therefore the only way to increase their numbers is to recruit people to want to become vampires. For this reason, along with the fact that they seem to be pretty much invincible, the Russian military and government believe they will be threats and want to exile them all to isolation in Siberia.

As the populace of Russia, we shouldn't be scared of the vampires. Oh no. We should see this "discovery" of a new "species" as a very big opportunity. This is our chance to take back Russia! We can recruit the vampires, befriend them and offer them peace in return for assistance in overthrowing the President and Minister of Defense. Just think about, this couldn't have come at a better time. The government and military
are scared of the vampires, and if they're on our side, they'll be scared of us too!

Fellow Russians, opportunity is knocking and it's up to us to answer!
Zasvichye! (For Mother Russia!)

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