Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Vodka Rebellion: The Infiltration

Добрый вечер.

This is it. Tonight, the Vodka Rebellion begins! Tonight we will take back OUR Russia!

For the rebellion to be successful, everyone must stick to their assignments.

Overthrowing the military will be the most difficult part of our mission, as they have many branches, many troops, and almost unlimited resources, especially since we are being controlled under Martial Law. As we know, the Russian military consists of six branches: Ground Forces, Air Force, Navy, Airborne Troops, Strategic Rocket Forces, and the Space Forces. In total, there are approximately 710,000 troops.

Right now, the majority of the ground troops, approximately 250,000 have set up camp in Moscow. The rest of the available troops are on border patrol, making sure neighboring countries don't try anything.

The goal of our mission is to hit both the Minister of Defense as well as the President. Therefore, one group will hit Moscow and the troops there and the other will seek out the President in St. Petersberg.

To organize, we will meet in several groups. Each group will contain between 5,000 and 10,000 people. Remember, this is not all the forces we have for this revolt. I am just the coordinator of the people in this camp. There are 30 other leaders, each coordinating groups of their own that you will meet when contact is established in each of these 8 meeting towns. There is expected to be close to 3,000,000 people rebelling from the camps for the diplaced people of Russia, not to mention the inside men of the army, and our brothers and sisters from the country who have come to help our plight. In total, there will be approximately 10 million of our fellow countrymen fighting by our side.

Group #1 will meet in Kaluga, which is about 94 km west of Moscow. Group #2 will meet in Yaroslavl, about 249 km outside of Moscow. Group #3 will meet in Tver, north of Moscow. Group #4 will meet in Tula, 193 km south of Moscow. These groups will focus their attacks on Moscow.

Group #5 will meet in Nogorod, Group #6 will meet in Pskov, Group #7 will meet in Leningrad, and Group #8 will meet in Vologda. These groups will focus their efforts on St. Petersberg.

Because some of these meeting towns are at least 100 km away from their target cities, travel days will be accounted for during the plan. The military still has control of all methods of public transportation, and because we need to be as inconspicuous as possible, travel will be broken down into smaller groups, and must be done by foot or private means of transportation.

When you get to your meeting towns, your respective leaders will fill you in on your specific plans.

That is it for now. I wish you all the best of luck in your individual missions and remember to stay strong, and that we're fighting to take back the country that rightfully belongs to her people.

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