Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Vodka Rebellion: The Big Bang

My fellow Russians,

We are in the midst of the first Russian Revolution since 1917! We are making history, right now!

I have been designated the "reporter" of the whole shebang and am on site in St.Petersberg as I type, right in the thick of the action.

As I heard from some of the other team coordinators, the team meetings in town went well and everyone is ready to get the show on the road. So here we go!

To officially begin the Vodka Rebellion, Groups 5-8 have advanced to the outside of the State and Synod Government Building in the Admiralteisky and Vasilievsky Island, which is currently the home of the Russian Constitutional Court.

On the Moscow front, Groups 1-4 have progressed to the outskirts of the damaged area, near the Kremlin.

On both fronts, we're expecting difficulty getting past the soldiers, so we're pulling out the first of our secret weapons. Even though the inside men that were conscripted have done their jobs in alerting us of the defense strategy wonderfully, we still need something extra to breach it. In order to get past the first layers of defense and ultimately the last, we need to be stronger, faster, and smarter than our enemies. Who better than our friends, the vampires, to help us out after they so generously offered their services in return for a peaceful assimilation in the general population once the country in under new leaders?

Half of the vampires who volunteered to help us are at each site. There, half of them have the task to take out the troops and stand guard, and the other half will be used in accosting the final targets.

With the guards out of the way, it's time for the entry into each of the buildings where the targets are being kept. Even though the vampires could easily get in and out, it's very important for the President and Minister of Defense to understand the magnitude of their errors and bad judgment, and the best way to convey that message is to let the people themselves tell them. Therefore, the entry has to be big and flashy, so what better to use than Russia's national drink! Our inside men have instructed us to where the store of vodka was kept in each building, so it is being ignited to create the Big Bang, hence the Vodka Rebellion. The idea was to use something so utterly Russian to destroy the buildings in which the Minister of Defense and President were hiding in, just like we, the people of Russia, were going to destroy them! And let me tell you, it worked quite nicely.

Now, both groups are in the buildings and on the hunt.

Whoa, just got message that they need all hands on deck, and that includes me, so I'll fill you in on the details ASAP!

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