Friday, March 18, 2011

Mighty Russia Prevails!

The people (you) have spoken!

Some of you thought that we should just do away with anyone and everyone associated with the current government that got us into this big mess.

But, most of you considered the President's speech and thought that overthrowing an entire government would create an even bigger problem, and that the ideal plan of action was to keep the President, and slowly make changes within her cabinet. Also, many comments liked to emphasize that the President did not lead us down any bad roads before the asteroid decided to fall out of the sky. This disaster would be a true test of leadership for any President and while she disappointed us, the military, under martial law is what really lead us to these bad times.

In response to your response, two big changes have been made. First, the Minister of Defense has been fired from his post. Anatoly "World Domination" Eduardovich Serdyukov had ambitious goals of first, controlling his people, and then controlling the world, and not enough humility or genuine concern for the people to actual lead them.

Second, President Podkopayeva remains the President of Russia. We, the people, have decided to give her a second chance to fulfill her promises, but with new advisers at her side. Two very trustworthy, respected, and vampire members of the populace have volunteered to be the President's liaisons to the populace and to help her keep the people in mind when governing the great country of Russia. Their super strength and blood diet are sure to keep her in line!

Lastly, I want to congratulate the people of Russia for forming a united front in this time of dire emergency and disaster. Over the past weeks, we have truly demonstrated what it means to be a good Russian and I want to applaud you for that.

It's been a pleasure scheming with you and reporting the latest news. As The Vodka Rebellion is officially over, this will be my last post, but I look greatly to a bright, successful future for Russia and all of her people.

Благодарю вас и спокойной ночи.
(Thank you and goodnight.)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Presidential Speech

We are in tumultuous times, my fellow Russians!

Somehow, both the Minister of Defense and the President escaped the chaos we so wonderfully created.

The President realized what danger she was in and fleed to St Petersburg. She took her unexpected evasion of our attack and and used it to compose a speech to convince us to give her a second chance. She promised change, big change, in the living conditions of the displaced Moscovians, in the behaviors and actions of the military, and on the issue of the vampire members of the population.

Her proposition addresses all of the aspects of her leadership and decision making with which we disagreed. She sounds genuinely devoted to making us, the people of Russia, happier and successful. Then again, she's a politician whose best interests lie in regaining the trust of her people and remaining the President of this country. Who's to say that this speech is just a ruse to get us not to dethrone her?

Should the President get a second chance or should we find someone else to do the job better?

Read or listen to the speech and let me know what you think!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Vodka Rebellion: The Big Bang

My fellow Russians,

We are in the midst of the first Russian Revolution since 1917! We are making history, right now!

I have been designated the "reporter" of the whole shebang and am on site in St.Petersberg as I type, right in the thick of the action.

As I heard from some of the other team coordinators, the team meetings in town went well and everyone is ready to get the show on the road. So here we go!

To officially begin the Vodka Rebellion, Groups 5-8 have advanced to the outside of the State and Synod Government Building in the Admiralteisky and Vasilievsky Island, which is currently the home of the Russian Constitutional Court.

On the Moscow front, Groups 1-4 have progressed to the outskirts of the damaged area, near the Kremlin.

On both fronts, we're expecting difficulty getting past the soldiers, so we're pulling out the first of our secret weapons. Even though the inside men that were conscripted have done their jobs in alerting us of the defense strategy wonderfully, we still need something extra to breach it. In order to get past the first layers of defense and ultimately the last, we need to be stronger, faster, and smarter than our enemies. Who better than our friends, the vampires, to help us out after they so generously offered their services in return for a peaceful assimilation in the general population once the country in under new leaders?

Half of the vampires who volunteered to help us are at each site. There, half of them have the task to take out the troops and stand guard, and the other half will be used in accosting the final targets.

With the guards out of the way, it's time for the entry into each of the buildings where the targets are being kept. Even though the vampires could easily get in and out, it's very important for the President and Minister of Defense to understand the magnitude of their errors and bad judgment, and the best way to convey that message is to let the people themselves tell them. Therefore, the entry has to be big and flashy, so what better to use than Russia's national drink! Our inside men have instructed us to where the store of vodka was kept in each building, so it is being ignited to create the Big Bang, hence the Vodka Rebellion. The idea was to use something so utterly Russian to destroy the buildings in which the Minister of Defense and President were hiding in, just like we, the people of Russia, were going to destroy them! And let me tell you, it worked quite nicely.

Now, both groups are in the buildings and on the hunt.

Whoa, just got message that they need all hands on deck, and that includes me, so I'll fill you in on the details ASAP!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Vodka Rebellion: The Infiltration

Добрый вечер.

This is it. Tonight, the Vodka Rebellion begins! Tonight we will take back OUR Russia!

For the rebellion to be successful, everyone must stick to their assignments.

Overthrowing the military will be the most difficult part of our mission, as they have many branches, many troops, and almost unlimited resources, especially since we are being controlled under Martial Law. As we know, the Russian military consists of six branches: Ground Forces, Air Force, Navy, Airborne Troops, Strategic Rocket Forces, and the Space Forces. In total, there are approximately 710,000 troops.

Right now, the majority of the ground troops, approximately 250,000 have set up camp in Moscow. The rest of the available troops are on border patrol, making sure neighboring countries don't try anything.

The goal of our mission is to hit both the Minister of Defense as well as the President. Therefore, one group will hit Moscow and the troops there and the other will seek out the President in St. Petersberg.

To organize, we will meet in several groups. Each group will contain between 5,000 and 10,000 people. Remember, this is not all the forces we have for this revolt. I am just the coordinator of the people in this camp. There are 30 other leaders, each coordinating groups of their own that you will meet when contact is established in each of these 8 meeting towns. There is expected to be close to 3,000,000 people rebelling from the camps for the diplaced people of Russia, not to mention the inside men of the army, and our brothers and sisters from the country who have come to help our plight. In total, there will be approximately 10 million of our fellow countrymen fighting by our side.

Group #1 will meet in Kaluga, which is about 94 km west of Moscow. Group #2 will meet in Yaroslavl, about 249 km outside of Moscow. Group #3 will meet in Tver, north of Moscow. Group #4 will meet in Tula, 193 km south of Moscow. These groups will focus their attacks on Moscow.

Group #5 will meet in Nogorod, Group #6 will meet in Pskov, Group #7 will meet in Leningrad, and Group #8 will meet in Vologda. These groups will focus their efforts on St. Petersberg.

Because some of these meeting towns are at least 100 km away from their target cities, travel days will be accounted for during the plan. The military still has control of all methods of public transportation, and because we need to be as inconspicuous as possible, travel will be broken down into smaller groups, and must be done by foot or private means of transportation.

When you get to your meeting towns, your respective leaders will fill you in on your specific plans.

That is it for now. I wish you all the best of luck in your individual missions and remember to stay strong, and that we're fighting to take back the country that rightfully belongs to her people.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Здравствуйте (Hello) my fellow Russians,

For those of you who have been living under rocks (or metro tunnels), I'm here to share the latest breaking news with you.

There's a new drink special in town, and it doesn't have anything to do with vodka. I know, that's just so astonishing! The new specialty is blood, natural, not artificial! You heard right! Blood-drinking only means one thing, VAMPIRES!

Where did they come from? What do they want? Why now? Those are just some of the questions I'm sure you're all asking right now. And the answers...nobody knows. The only things we know about them are based on myths and childhood tales, so we don't know anything. Supposedly, they are faster, stronger, and better looking than the average person, and smarter due to the fact that they've been around for centuries, and when you've lived that long, it's inevitable to pick up some knowledge and wisdom. The only way, that I've heard, to defeat them is by sunlight. But we don't even know if that's true.

From my inside source, I've learned that the Russian scientists have discovered that vampires are sterile, therefore the only way to increase their numbers is to recruit people to want to become vampires. For this reason, along with the fact that they seem to be pretty much invincible, the Russian military and government believe they will be threats and want to exile them all to isolation in Siberia.

As the populace of Russia, we shouldn't be scared of the vampires. Oh no. We should see this "discovery" of a new "species" as a very big opportunity. This is our chance to take back Russia! We can recruit the vampires, befriend them and offer them peace in return for assistance in overthrowing the President and Minister of Defense. Just think about, this couldn't have come at a better time. The government and military
are scared of the vampires, and if they're on our side, they'll be scared of us too!

Fellow Russians, opportunity is knocking and it's up to us to answer!
Zasvichye! (For Mother Russia!)